Last week citizens across Mexico took to the streets to protest a recently proposed telecom law that would violate free speech, give the federal governemtn increased survelleicen powers, and limit internet access, among other issues. Please read my orignal post about the law and the problems it creates. My original post also has some awesome links to further readings and materials at the bottom.
On April 26th protestror took to the streets and in Mexico City created a 7km human chain (cadena humana). Over 7 thousands citizens were reported to have participated as other smaller direct actions took place across the country. As a result voting onthe controversial legislation has been delayed until June and Peña Nieto’s administration has pledged to make changes to the bill before that time.
See below for more articles on the nationwide protests as well as some great video footage and interviews from the street!
Articles (further reading)
- #EPNStop : Human Chain in Mexico against #LeyTelecom
- La cadena humana contra la ley telecom, en fotografías y videos
- Thousands protest in Mexico against telecommunications bill
- Así fue la marcha contra ley de Telecom
- La Ley Telecom tiene sus ventajas, pero hay un importante riesgo de retroceso
- La Lucha continúa: #DefenderInternet
- De las redes a las calles: Ciudadanos responden a la censura #EPNvsInternet #ContraElSilencioMx [VIDEO]
- Color en la marcha tras la #CadenaHumana #LeyTelecom [VIDEO]
- NoMásPoderAlPoder [VIDEO]
- Cadena humana contra ley telecom [VIDEO]
- Cadena humana contra ley telecom 2 [VIDEO]
- NO te calles, levanta la voz #EPNvsInternet #EPNStop #NoMásPod [VIDEO]
- Video cadenahumana estela de luz el angel [VIDEO]
- #CadenaHumana #Televisa #Monterrey #NoMásPoderAlPoder [VIDEO]
- Yamileth Instagram [VIDEO]
- Adelareguera Instagram [VIDEO]
- Juan Cuidadano Twitter [VIDEO]
This is for the free access to public content. We can’t allow the privatization of telecoms. As citizens of this country, we have the right to speak out and fight for our human rights.
El problema deriva en que son derechos humanos, y como tales somos responsables de exigir al propio gobierno u otras instancias (internacionales) que se cumplan. Es inútil quedarse de manos cruzadas a esperar cuál es el siguiente paso que van a dar respecto a la reforma, hay que informarse, y actuar al respecto.