This morning I just had to get up early to catch the opening ceremony of the Net Mundial in São Paulo Brazil, and it didn’t disappoint. There were a number of great speakers from Vint Cerf, to Tim Berners-Lee, to Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. However, I have to say that my favorite was definitely Nnenna who speaks on the issue of internet rights for women, people in poverty, and those in developing countries like no one else does. I got to meet her personally at RightsCon in San Francisco and she is a total badass and a true inspiration. I was so happy to see her on stage right there are another amazing woman Dilma Rousseff signed Brazil’s Marco Civil into law. Check out the photos below…

I met Nnenna at RightsCon. She is an amazing badass woman who preaches on internet rights like no one else! Awesome to see her up on the stage with Brazil’s president.
“@nnenna ends with a shout out for all the women involved in net development, and finishes with a thank you to Ed Snowden #netmundial” -@mala aka Danny Ob’Brian

From fiery black feminist to old white guy. Vint Cerf is still my dude though. Vint couldn’t finish his speech because his last page wasn’t printed lol #paperproblems

@timberners_lee winning in the hand gestures category so far at #netmundial2014. Tim talking about the importance of accessability and the disaster of the digital divide

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